This repair guide is a step-by-step of instructions to ensure you are using the correct materials and tools to fix your Delta 5-Function Showerhead Model 75554. This showerhead has a major leak in it, which I have found that it is where is screws onto the shower pipe itself. The reasoning behind this guide is that it gets very slippery when I walk into my shower because of how bad, and often the head is leaking.
Was du brauchst
Unscrew the head of the shower from the pipe with a pipe wrench.
Fill a large bowl with equal parts hot water and white distilled vinegar to get rid of hard water build up.
With the tip of a pocketknife, pick out the rubber, black washer in the attachment.
Using your fingertips press a new 1" black rubber washer into the head attachment. The new washer will allow water to flow correctly with more pressure.
Wrap Teflon tape around the legs of the spout about 3 times to ensure that it will screw on tight when the head is put back on.
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