Benutze diese Anleitung, um einen Hard Reset bei deinem iPhone durchzuführen. Das ist ganz einfach und du brauchst dafür keine weiteren Hilfsmittel.
Halte die Home- und die Standby-Taste gleichzeitig gedrückt.
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23 Kommentare
what if our power butoon is broken/
Under settings, accessability, turn on assistive touch. You'll have a grey dot floating around on your screen. When you touch the dot, it brings up the full "menu." Touch "device" then a lock button option will show. Press and hold the lock icon. You'll then have the "slide to power off" option. Turn off. Give it a couple minutes. Don't panic, even without the working power button to turn it back on, it's still doable! Just plug the phone in and it'll power right on.
thumbs up!!!
It worked, I can't believe this! Thank you so much, I tried everything I could think of to get it started. I put it in a bag of rice for 12 hours, a bed warmer, blow dryer, and nothing. I started looking for repair shop's, and stumble on your site, which included all iphones. I went to my phone model and the instructions said force start, and I tried it and presto, I'm back in business. THANK YOU! 724-309-3210
Great Instructions! Thank you.