This guide shows you how to fix an IKEA KOPPLA 3-port charger that has become unreliable. One to three ports can be defective.
Was du brauchst
open device , using brute force is the only option because it's ultrasonic welded together.
use screw driver or squeeze in a vice to crack it open.''
Resolder all the USB connector pins (red box'es), on all 3 USB connectors to be sure they are functional. (on this image the top one is defective)
The reason solder points break is the connector support is soldered onto the board on one side only. Not by the arrow. Thereby adding stress directly to the soldered pins.
In addition the connector pin (square) near the U2 marking is too short and therefore may not be soldered properly.
see 2nd image for example of front support pin is pulled out of solder area.
add hot melt glue in these areas on the board and on the side of the connector.
Add the cover first to understand where there is room for it in the cover.
If connector is not glued, it is likely the charger will stop working again in the near future.
Ikea have been notified of this issue.
To seal the enclosure , add suitable glue to edge, and press the top/bottom together.
Use as vice while holding them together, while the glue hardens.
I understand these adapters are cheap, but they can be repaired as described.
I understand these adapters are cheap, but they can be repaired as described.
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