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KitchenAid Classic K45SS(E)WH Kohlebürsten Austausch

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  1. KitchenAid Classic  K45SS(E)WH Kohlebürsten Austausch, Drehe die Abdeckungen der Kohlebürsten heraus.: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    • Schraube die Abdeckungen der Kohlebürsten auf jeder Seite der Motorabdeckung mit einem Flachschraubendreher heraus

    • Die Deckel stehen auf der Rückseite unter Federdruck, schraube also vorsichtig heraus.

  2. KitchenAid Classic  K45SS(E)WH Kohlebürsten Austausch, Setze neue Kohlebürsten ein: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 2 KitchenAid Classic  K45SS(E)WH Kohlebürsten Austausch, Setze neue Kohlebürsten ein: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 2
    • Ziehe die Bürste am Halter auf jeder Seite heraus.

    • Eine Kante der Bürste ist mit 45 Grad abgeschrägt. Kontrolliere die Abschrägung indem du in das Loch hineinleuchtest.

    • In diesem Fall haben wir haben wir die neue Bürste mit dem flachen Ende zur oberen linken Ecke des Bürstenhalters eingebaut.


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Cal Poly, Team 14-28, Maness Fall 2014 Mitglied von Cal Poly, Team 14-28, Maness Fall 2014


4 Mitglieder

22 Anleitungen geschrieben

25 Kommentare

i looked at the brushes , they are fairly new hardly any wear ,put them back in no power , still wont start ,is there something i could have unhooked while putting in the worm gear , followed all instructions , gears turn perfect , still no power ,

Dennis Jessome - Antwort

Hi Dennis, it is mentioned above " Be sure to insert the new brush with that flattened corner facing the upper left corner of the brush holder." However, on my mixer only one brush must be aligned upper left; the other brush must actually be aligned down right. Look into the slots with a flashlight, you will see which corner has a small metallic piece, or "stop". That's the corner you must align your brush on. Hope this helps..

patfat -

Hello patfat, you are exactly right on those brushes. I been working on this used mixer I got off Ebay for 56 dollars. It ran but I tooK it all apart and cleaned and painted and got some new parts and it would not start. The brush thing is right, one brush upper left and the other one bottom right. I got her fired up and it looks like banana nut muffin time again. Heres one for you.....! You the boss.....

YoDiggity - Antwort

OMG OMG OMG! You are an angel! I scored this brand new looking Kitchenaid mixer at a Goodwill for $3 dollars. Said whaaat? I grabbed it but when I tried it, it would not turn on. I didn't care, I figured I would fix it myself. I followed your instructions and VOILA! It works like a BRAND NEW Baby! LOVE IT! Thank you so much for such easy instructions!

Elizabeth - Antwort

This information was crucial to fixing my mixer. My husband replaced a broken worm gear and my mixer STILL wouldn't start. With the aid of my cell phone camera, which allowed us to increase the size of the photo, we were able to determine which side was upper left and which side was lower right. And when my mixer came on, I yelled and jumped up and down. Thank you!

ellenjoyeh - Antwort

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