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Wie du die permanent aktiven Gesten einer MX Master verändern kannst

Was du brauchst

    • Drücke den flexiblen Knopf nach oben und löse sowie ziehe die Schrauben im Anschluss um das PCB wieder fest.


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, befolge diese Schritte in der umgekehrten Reihenfolge

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6 Kommentare

Had to play around with it A LOT to get it so it would work again. The end solution was to loosen the black and closest two silver screws around the gesture button to get it to work make sure when you put it back in place before you tighten the six frame screws that you test the button to make sure it is clicking as if you don't hear an audible click then it is still stuck and you will just end up wit the same problem,

William Sedlacek - Antwort

Exactly, basically you want this button harder to press. Also remember not to tighten the frame screws  (especially the ones near the gesture button) too tight.

Zuyang - Antwort

I took off the gesture button switch completely. On the underside of the soft plastic there is a hard plastic canterlever with a raised nib to activate the switch. I shaved down the hard plastic raised nib ~1mm with a blade. Then I made sure it had no sharp edges and reassembled.

im_not_a_bummer - Antwort

I don’t even use the button and no matter how much I loosened the screws, it would just be pushed no matter what. I ended up removing the little PCB with the switch and I just shoved it at the top of the mouse. Guess I’ll be looking for a new mouse soon, but since I don’t use that button at all (stupid, it’s set to do nothing in the software and it still interferes), I’m not in a hurry.

Arjen Anker - Antwort

The PCB for the button and the scroll wheel switch are the same. I think they could be exchanged if the button for the thumb is seriously bad as a temporary solution. It looks like it is a fairly standard PCB so it should not be hard to get one.
Regardless, the button is finicky as heck. I disassembled the mouse, and tested the repositioning. Worked properly.
Assembled again, did not work - got stuck again. I've read the comments here and ended up using a needle file to sand down the notches on the plastic spring.
There is a plastic spring that has 2 interaction points. A dot for the microswitch, and a flat line on the other side. This interacts with the thumb rest. I'd propose sanding down this and than slightly polishing it as this moves a fair bit. Leaving it without a bit of polish might abrade the plastic further. But I had to sand down a fair bit - the comment with 1mm is not joking.
Correction: I did this on MX Master 2S - but the guide is the same. Only you need a PH000 bit as well

Orth Alán - Antwort

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