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  1. iPhone 4s 拆解, iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    • 首先:我们要感谢我们超酷的iFixit用户,Markus Weiher,在德国拍摄了一些照片!

    • 你问,我们答!新的iPhone 4s进入了最盛大的阶段, iFixit马上就要给它曝光。

    • 技术规格:

    • 苹果的A5系统芯片: 1 GHz的双核处理器

    • 800万像素后置摄像头(1080视频采集) + VGA前置摄像头

    • 802.11 b/g/n + 蓝牙 4.0 (天噜啦!)

    • LED背光IPS TFT LCD Retina显示屏具有960× 640像素的分辨率

    • 四频 GSM/GPRS/EDGE + 双频 CDMA/EV-DO 版本支持 (世界通用)

  2. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 2, Bild 3 von 3
    • 终于能够染指我们期待已久的iPhone 4s,它看上去简直棒极了。

    • 延续了iPhone 4的设计,采用矩形机身和不锈钢边框。

    • 苹果公司修复了所谓固定天线的问题,立即出现了iPhone 4的发布。这是否意味着今年我们将不会收到一个免费手机壳了?坏消息!

    • SIM插槽又回来了!由于iPhone 4S是世界电话,它将支持GSM和CDMA网络。无论哪个运营商,可以肯定的是,微型SIM卡插槽都可以接受你的GSM微型SIM卡,以及任何CDMA “漫游SIM卡

    A new myth says volume buttons and mute switch on iPhone 4S are in a slighly different position, meaning current iPhone 4 cases does not fix, plus the supposedly fixed 4S antenna can not be used on the iPhone 4. Is this myth confirmed, plausibe or busted?

    HQuest - Antwort

    They're the same as the Verizon iPhone 4, but slightly different from the AT&T iPhone 4.

    Biochao -

    yes, I can confirm they are different than the att GSM iphone 4. As such, the bumpers will NOT fit correctly. The case partially occludes the vibrate switch and the volume buttons on the case are not hitting centered on the iphone buttons. Drilling out the hole for the mute switch to be slightly larger fixed the problem for me. The volume buttons work well enough.

    Jerry Ross -

    And the SIM slot is gone again.

    Duck - Antwort

  3. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 1
    • 看!在 4S 的背面我们可以看到 FCC 的认证标识。干得好,苹果公司。但是我们还不能给苹果点赞。。。

    • iPhone 4s 的产品编号是A1387.

    • 注意到围绕iPhone 4s周边外部天线的空缺——Siri!你有活干了!

  4. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 1
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
    • 底部还是五角螺丝?好吧,我们原本以为苹果会搞出点新花样来增加我们拆解的难度系数,看样子我们的老朋友并没有这么做。

    • 快速拧动五角螺丝刀,这样五角螺丝就拆下来了!猜一猜:我们的专业工具今天刚刚发布。工具是蓝色/黑色,我们保证这是市面上最好的五角螺丝刀。嘿,我们工具的品质一直得到保证

    • 对不起,Siri,尽管你用自我毁灭系统来威胁,这也无法阻挡我们把你拆了,我知道你很害怕,但是你叫破喉咙也没有用,让我们看看你里面是什么样子吧!

    Where would one obtain the very nice driver you use to open the back of the phone?

    Mark Baran - Antwort

    "Aluminum Driver Handle" comes with "54-bit Driver Kit" which I can't seem to click on right now. It's an iFixit tool :)

    Rongwey -

  5. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 1
    • 拧下底部的两颗五角螺丝,你就可以轻易的取下后盖。iPhone 4也是同样的步骤,拆开之后就是EMI屏蔽盖。

    • Siri坚定地说:“不要,iFixit,不要,你不能这样,不要再往下拆了,我求你们了,你们没有被授权。”

    • 遗憾地说,我们看到一个半透明的塑料拉条,上面写着标识“Authorized Service Provider Only” - 意思是“未成年人禁止入内”,开个玩笑,意思是“非授权提供商不得拆解”,看样子我们真的不能再往下拆了。

    • 不能再往下拆了?!想都不要想!这条傻乎乎的标识以前从来没能阻止过我们,今天也不会例外。


    Troy - Antwort

    Psych, Psyche, Sike? It's tough to determine the correct spelling for a slang word. We chose to go with "sike" simply because it looks cool and Urban Dictionary featured it as their word of the day on November 24, 2007. :)

    Jake Devincenzi -

    Urban dictionary? Aside from the fact that anybody can write anything there, most of the entries agree that "sike" is a misspelling of "psych". And "psyche" is pronounced "sikee", and it's a different concept.

    cityzen -

    Thank you so much.

    Peggy Spradlin - Antwort

  6. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 6, Bild 2 von 2
    • 轻轻撬开电池排线接口,拉动塑料拉条就可以取下电池。

    • 我们终于拆到在4s中受到高度赞誉电池。

    • 近一点。。。再近一点。。。这就是了:比iPhone 4的电池要多0.05瓦小时!

    • 4s 电池可以支持持续8小时3G通话,或者14小时2G通话(GSM网络),或者是200小时的待机。

    • 和iPhone 4 作比较, iPhone 4S提供的多一个小时的3G网络通话时间,相同的2G网络通话时间,和不到100小时的待机时间。

    • 考虑到自带的4S硬件升级,不过,其功耗也显得十分高效。

    Nothing said about how to unscrew the battery.

    Dmitry - Antwort

  7. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 7, Bild 1 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 7, Bild 2 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 7, Bild 3 von 3
    • 用一根小撬棒撬开摄像头排线接口后就可以取下后置摄像头。

    • 这个一颗800万像素的摄像头。

    • 我们从Chipworks得知制造商是Sony!

    • 800万已然是很高的像素,但我们知道,像素并不代表一切,重要的是如何利用好它。很高兴,4S 知道怎样利用好它的每一个像素。

    • 在弱光环境中,苹果使用“新一代的背光”增加了73%的光。想要更快照相?此照相机比之前快大约33%,并可以在一秒左右捕捉多张照片。

    • 如果仅仅是照片不能满足你的话,那么30帧每秒,1080P的高清摄像怎么样?

    is the rear facing camera the Omnivision sensor or the Sony one? Looks like the OVTI one.

    Chris - Antwort

    A lot of people are asking, will this plug up to an Iphone 4, and will the Iphone 4 hardware support 8mp picture taking?

    hectordtruong - Antwort

  8. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 8, Bild 1 von 1
    • 接下来,我们用牙齿咬下 4S 的主板,sorry,我是说用我们的开机工具取下主板。

    • iPhone4S的主板与写号机的主板非常相似。不过,一旦拆除那些EMI屏蔽罩,我们就可以更好地了解这些相似之处在哪里停止了。

    • 在那之前,我们还能用L型板做什么?

    • Siri在听到我们的意图之后说:“请停止所有的破坏性活动”显然她能在没有电源的情况下和我们对话,难道她是靠灵气运行的?也许吧

    • 看到右边EMI屏蔽罩上的白色贴纸了吗?进水贴纸,一生之敌

  9. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 9, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 9, Bild 2 von 2
    • 我们甚至用到了我们的牙齿,但我们终于成功地撕开了EMI屏蔽盖。逻辑板现出了它的灵魂:

    • 苹果A5双核处理器(之后有更多关于这个版本的描述)

    • 高通 RTR8605 多频段/RF 收发器。Chipworks 为我们提供了一张宝贵的照片。

    • Skyworks公司77464-20负载非敏感的功率放大器(LIPA®)模块由WCDMA应用程序开发。

    • Avago ACPM-7181 功率放大器

    • TriQuint TQM9M9030 表面声波滤波器

    • TriQuint TQM666052 PA-双工器模块

    Anyone know what the Audio Chip is?

    sanduneboi - Antwort

    are you sure both triquint chips are power amps/ some are saying one is just a filter??

    ski3938 -

    Are there any changes to the GPS chip in the iPhone 4S compared to iPhone 4? I noticed in the iPad 2 tear down you labeled it's GPS chip as a "monolithic". Is that monolithic vs. assisted GPS?

    Jim Termini - Antwort

  10. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 10, Bild 1 von 1
    • 逻辑板上更多有意思的芯片包括:

    • TI 343S0538触摸屏控制器

    • 意法半导体AGD8 2135 LUSDI陀螺仪

    • 意法半导体8134 33DH 00D35三轴加速度计

    • 苹果338S0987 B0FL1129 SGP,Chipworks公司认为是Cirrus Logic音频编解码芯片

  11. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 11, Bild 1 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 11, Bild 2 von 3 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 11, Bild 3 von 3
    • 来一个苹果A5芯片的特写怎么样? 1 GHz双核处理器,512 MB DDR2内存... 哇咔咔。

    • 我们怎么知道它是512 MB?看看这个标记,特别是E4E4,标记着两个2GB LPDDR2芯片,总共4 Gb-或512 MB的。谢谢,Anandtech!

    • 嘿,这是什么?据Chipworks公司称,我们的德国iPhone(红色标记)的三星DDR2内存,而澳州的iPhone 4S的(黄色标记),包含Elpida DDR2内存!

    • 如果Siri的有一个地址,那就是这个了。尽管iCloud的整合可在任何的iOS 5设备上使用,Siri的只适用于双核配备iPhone 4S的。

    • 拜托了,Siri现身吧。我们不想伤害你。我们只是想谈谈。

    • Chipworks 公司是太酷了,为我们提供了A5处理器的芯片照片。

    The iPhone 4S's A5 is clocked at 800 MHz.

    Aerocowboy - Antwort

    Even if Apple has limited the chip's performance, the A5 is still a 1 GHz processor.

    David Hodson -

    Since iPad 2 it is known that:

    - Apple PN 339S0130 means DDR2 dies are from Samsung

    - Apple PN 339S0137 means DDR2 dies are from Elpida

    Apple PN is on A5 package

    Dimitar - Antwort

  12. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 12, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 12, Bild 2 von 2
    • 让我们来看看有什么在另一边。 Siri, 麻烦翻个身... 谢谢。

    • 高通MDM6610 芯片组 (从 iPhone 4's MDM6600有升级)

    • 据Chipworks公司说,苹果338S0973,这似乎是一个电源管理IC。

    • 从另一个角度阅读覆盖芯片表明“PM8028”,这是高通的电源管理IC.

    Audio chip is still Cirrus Logic as you can tell by Apple 338S0973 chip that ChipWorks thinks is a Power IC. Its not ..its the Codec.

    Midas Capital - Antwort

  13. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 13, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 13, Bild 2 von 2
    • 村田 SW SS1830010.

    • 我们认为,这包含了Broadcom的芯片,据说提供的Wi-Fi/蓝牙连接的, 过去的拆解中曾出现过。

    • 还有一个EMI屏蔽盖脱落,我们发现另一个礼包:

    • 东芝THGVX1G7D2GLA08 16 GB 24纳米MLC NAND闪存。

  14. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 14, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 14, Bild 2 von 2
    • 和 iPhone 4 一样,采用 960 x 640 Retina屏幕。

    • 虽然和上一代的 iPhone 采用相同的视网膜屏,但图像表现力依然极其出色,而且新的 A5 处理器能在一定程度上提高其图像表现力。

    • 我们注意到,Verizon和AT&T的iPhone4的显示组件有不同的安装卡的位置。虽然大多数4S已经类似于CDMA版iPhone4,显示组件第一眼看上去和GSM版本中类似。遗憾的是,还是不一样。

    • 这似乎是环境光传感器和红外LED的接近传感器从显示屏组件拆掉了。

    Can you see which company makes the ambient light sensor?

    Allen Marecki - Antwort

  15. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 15, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 15, Bild 2 von 2
    • 显示屏电缆下有神秘的标记为FA111107174M0816-0420054676837.91032 GZ MB,或者更通常被称为“来自北方的黎明攻击。”

    • 真棒!我们已经挑起了柔性带状电缆连接器! 退后!他们似乎是守护C1113320826DJGHT-A1MOXF的标记......可能是为了解锁魔法代码?

    The barcode decodes to


    (all on one line).

    Solak Vaslovic - Antwort

  16. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 16, Bild 1 von 1
    • 马达拆出来了。 看上去苹果使用了Verizon iPhone 4当中的 线性马达 ,作为对比,AT&T使用旋转电动平衡重量马达

    • 跟平衡重量马达比起来,这个线性振动马达更为安静、柔软、噪音更小。

    The new vibration motor is know as an Linear Resonant Actuator (LRA) : http://www.precisionmicrodrives.com/vibr...

    TJrundy - Antwort

  17. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 17, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 17, Bild 2 von 2
    • 在home键下侧偷看一下。:)

    • 相传,如果从这个方向按home键,你的iPhone实际上将被发送到月球(我们忍住了没有测试这一理论)。

    • 再次,注意白色和红色的液体试纸。

  18. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 18, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 18, Bild 2 von 2
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    • Siri,请不要这样盯着我们。你知道,我们不得不看看里面长啥样儿;我们很好奇,你知道的?

    • 为了让Siri不再盯着我们看,我们借助了塑料撬棒 的帮助来拆除第二个摄像头。

    • 前置VGA 摄像头的两个好处为:

    • FaceTime交谈

    • 自拍神器Myspace Facebook Google+

    Is it in any way possible to swap the front facing camera for a better one? I hate that camera. It's garbage.

    aenima133 - Antwort

    And the MOST important thing: Mirror

    Idont - Antwort

  19. iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 19, Bild 1 von 2 iPhone 4s 拆解: Schritt 19, Bild 2 von 2
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver iPhone
    • 我们已经到达了我们的旅程结尾。我们很高兴地宣布,没有找到任何 塞柏达系统 组件...看来暂时我们的终结者审判日 并未到来。

    • iPhone 4S可修复性得分:10分中得到6分(10是最容易修复)。从iPhone 4在可维修性方面改变得很小。

    • iPhone 4S的主要还是使用用螺丝和有限的粘合剂。

    • 后面板和电池都容易拆卸和更换(只要你有正确的工具包和/或正确的螺丝刀).

    • 苹果再次使用五角螺丝固定后面板和把修理者拒之门外

    • 屏幕和玻璃面板——继承自上一代—— 融合在一起,使玻璃破裂维修更加昂贵。

    • 很多小的组件被焊接在带状电缆上,增加了维修单一组件的成本。

    Is the back glass more break proof (Gorilla glass perhaps) than the previous generation?

    Mark Granger - Antwort

    Bought 4s just 3 days ago and this evening it fell on the ground and to my surprise the screen turn white.I love the phone.Dont know what to do now.Can any one advice?

    Eddy Nketiah - Antwort

    Where is the internal storage?

    Jordon som - Antwort

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28 Kommentare

Is that true? Do we know for sure that the A5 is under clocked to 800? (yes i know about the geekbench scores, but I wasn't sure if that was a test model or a final product)

If its a 1000 Ghz chip, will it be possible (without jailbraking) the phone to increase the frequency to its native clock speed?

Jerry Ross - Antwort

It will likely be possible, through jailbreaking, to increase the clock speed. But, this will be at the expense of reduced battery life. Furthermore, once you see the speed of this phone you likely won't see a need to increase the clock speed.

Noel -

Does it really have 512MB RAM?

Juan - Antwort

Yes, that has been confirmed and, again, 1GB of RAM would have resulted in far less battery life. A Microsoft employee has recently blogged about how the increased RAM on their phones would have severely reduced battery life as the RAM has to be kept active even when not in use.

Apple is very deft in making sure they can keep the battery life up while still providing an extremely enjoyable user experience and acceptable speed (in fact, much increased speed in this device over the iPhone 4). Remember, it's about the total user experience, not individual specs.

Noel -

You said the the Retina Display is the same as the iPhone 4, but I've read in some reviews that the display is exhibiting less contrast, with blacks being washed out more than the previous iteration. Can you confirm that the display has the same manufacturer or is in any way different SKU/part#?

soopermodel12 - Antwort

Please turn over the image sensor and let us know what it is.

robkientz - Antwort

Did Apple end up going with Sony for the camera, or is it still by Omnivision?

michaelgar2000 - Antwort

The front camera is made by Omnivision, but the main camera is made by Sony.

Dinan Blueje -

So, The iphone 4 screens can be used on the the iphone 4S, is that correct?

Can someone give a list of parts that are not interchangable please. so far i see:

Front Camera

Back Camera


Back Glass (markings)

any more?

PS: I'm not a fan of the attempted humour on this teardown, simple facts and not milked SiRi jokes would be better appreciated I feel.

Dave - Antwort

Can you do the same with the "new" ipod touch, I want to know if there is any difference with the 4g

amigui - Antwort

I didn't see any mention in the iPhone 4S teardown about the proximity sensor.

I've had my iPhone 4 replaced 3 times, first for the proximity sensor problem, then for the yellow screen, finally because it wouldn't install IOS 5.

The second replacement phone also had intermittent problems where my ear would put the phone on mute, or start 'dialing' while I was on a call.

I'm really interested to find out if they did anything about this with the new phone.

Rick DeNatale - Antwort

Thanks for the teardown, brilliant as usual. But I'm wondering about the new antenna configuration. On the 4, the antenna was two isolated pieces - as shown here http://images.anandtech.com/reviews/gadg... - but on the 4S it seems to be three isolated pieces. Which of these are antennas, and for which radios? I'm wondering what they've done to address the "death grip" problem.

zoara - Antwort

Are the Verizon iPhone 4 backplates compatible with the iPhone 4S (all carriers)?

jackassalloveragain - Antwort

Where is the GPS module? Still Broadcom chip?

jianbob - Antwort

does the camera rattle? as its reported to happen in several iphone 4s that they have rattle issue including me!

Martyn - Antwort

I know this comment is a little late, but you said that this was a German iPhone 4S, right? Have you done a tear down an either an AT&T version of the retail unlocked version of the 4S?

Ryan - Antwort

how to managed to rip the EMI shields off ?

which chips is block network ?

deafjohn - Antwort

I would like to know if the full opening procees does affect warranty provided for the terminal / smartphone, there are some seals around that must not be broken until the device goes on an authoryzed service and i have some questions about some technical issues found here on the iPhone 4s reviews in the reviewing area and specifications...

Adrian - Antwort

Thanks for sharing this info. Now I know how to unlock my Iphone!

bryanflake1984| http://www.aceofdiamonds.com.au/engageme...

bryan - Antwort

Is it possible to fit an iphone 4s processor into an iphone 4???

Ian - Antwort

If the mother board gets reall hot when u connect it to a batterie is that the power chip is gone or how to fix that problem

Culbert - Antwort

What to do if iphone 4s hungs ang the screen is enlarged?

aluzanec - Antwort

Hello, I've got 2 parts of my iphone 4s that I don't know where they belong. The parts can be viewed at http://eyecatchdesign.be/iphone4s.jpg. Can somebody help me out and give me directions where they belong. Thanks

sven Wilssens - Antwort

# 1 is battery connection cover clip, ( goes under battery connector on top screw. # 2 is front facing camera clip, ( holds selfie camera in place)

Bill Shipley -

During reassembling the plastic court (30 pin dock connector) after it function of home boton, charger, microphone doesn't work. What is the part number and how to order it?

Karen - Antwort

What is the part number and how to order 30 pin doc plastic connector

Karen - Antwort

i have a iphone 4s does anyone know how to delete the os on it?

bullet the corgi - Antwort

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