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Modell A1059 oder A1099 / 20, 40, oder 60 GB Festplatte/berührungsempfindliches Klickrad

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Won't do anything. Basically bricked...? Ideas?

This thing was never dropped. I had it in my car during the winter, and it is in good shape. When I brought it inside, it won't take a charge, the screen doesn't show any symbols at all. I plugged headphones into it, and pushed the play button, thinking maybe the screen wasn't working. Nothing.

I followed the instructions to open it up, and I carefully disconnected the battery, and re-connected it. I also disconnected the HD, and re-connected that as well. Put it back together, and nothing. It also does nothing when connected to my MacBook.

Anybody got ideas? Other than the trash can?

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I would recommend replacing the battery as well as the logic board. If the problem was merely the battery, you would still be able to power the iPod while plugged into the wall. Since the logic board controls the functionality of the iPod, you need to replace that to get up and running. Replacing the battery is a relatively inexpensive thing to do while you are replacing the logic board. If the battery inside is the original factory battery, chances are it is not in that great of shape.

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