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Aufpolierte Version des iPhone 3GS mit schnelleren Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit. Die Reparatur geht ähnlich wie beim 3G vonstatten und braucht nur einfache Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Modell A1303 mit 16 oder 32 GB Kapazität mit schwarzer oder weißer Kunststoffrückseite.

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"Temperature" screen even when the phone isn't hot?

After changing my battery, the battery works fine again, but a few days after I changed it, I started having "overheating" problems. These are not actual overheating problems, because the phone isn't hot, but it keeps showing me the "Temperature" warning and telling me I can't use the phone until it cools down.

This has happened fairly constantly at seemingly random times, and thus far, the phone has never been hot to the touch. It even happens while the phone is physically cold to the touch (outside in 20 degree F weather, for example).

Today I can barely use the phone, it just says "Temperature" pretty much all the time. For a few seconds, sometimes it goes back to the normal swipe-to-enter screen, but it goes right back to the Temperature warning screen after that.

Everything else on the phone works, so I'm sure the repair went smoothly otherwise. Again, this took a few days to start showing up.

Here are the relevant facts, along with some things I've tried to troubleshoot and such:

  • I installed a CPU monitor but nothing seems to be taking up the CPU or anything like that.
  • I've killed all the background apps and it still happens. I've also left it on airplane mode for hours and it still happens.
  • I've tried a full reboot, as well as a restore from backup.
  • The battery is not draining faster than normal or anything like that.
  • This phone has no history of water damage and i don't sweat a lot or anything like that (nor do I keep it in my pocket).
  • I've never seen this temperature warning before swapping the battery.
  • I don't use a protective rubber case or anything like that, the phone is just sitting on my desk.
  • Charging the battery no longer works because it doesn't seem to charge while it's on the "Temperature" screen.
  • I saw no corrosion inside the iPhone at all when replacing the battery.

I'm running the latest firmware (6.0.1) and it's not jailbroken.

Thanks for your help!

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Bewertung 15
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I have the same problem except itss not with the battery. It fell out of my pocket when i was driving a fourwheeler and the screen shattered and the back is pretty bad. it functioned for several weeks but recently it started giving me the temp. thing all the time. its an ipod tho


I have the same problem, I changed the battery once. but after one day the problems back again . could you help me that how i can fix it ?


I have the same problem but mine is an iPhone 4 and the temperature screen will come on then go away and come back on I don't know what to do


Same $@$* on the XR 7 years later!


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lorenjanwilson, this can happen with a wrong or bad battery. Change the battery again, either with your old one or another new one. I know that people say they are all compatible, but I've had some weird errors with those batteries. Hope this helps, good luck.

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Oh... well you were half right. I swapped out the battery with a second one, which caused the issue to go away for about 36 hours. And now the issue is back again.

Any theories as to what this might mean?


what is the part number on your battery?


the original battery is 616-0431 and the new ones were both 616-0435 (not 100% sure about that second number, i'll double check when i get home).

I'm going to open the phone and clean all the contacts with isopropyl alcohol when I get home from work today, I'll keep you all posted.


Original battery: 616-0431

New batteries have both been: 616-0434

Cleaned the battery contacts and made sure everything was clean. It all looks very clean inside. Problem is still happening though. Strange.


my new iphone 6 after 1 month since buying has a same problem . after i changed the battery it solved but after 20 hours later back to the problem again .i know many people who buy iphone 6 and 6 plus that had a same problems.


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Hi,I have a temporary solution for this.

Try covering battery points (only middle two points) with small square pieces of electrical tape on motherboard. It will stop the temperature sensor. The phone will work fine but keeps restarting after intense use.

I also have the same problem with my 3gs did everything but I think it's the last solution.

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Hi mine done the same, which was a real pain, but it was also after fitting a replacement battery from ebay, so i ordered another one, which i fitted to my phone and all was fine, no temperature error, so looks like you need another battery to fix the problem, simple!!!!

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Well it could be that the battery is damaged

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my battery isn't working every time I go onto my phone it says my phone is overheating each time but my phone or my battery isn't hot so I don't know what is wrong with it and also my screen doesn't want to work which I don't know what to do please help someone.

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hey i have the same problem my phone keep alerting me of the temperature every 5 min and i have to shut it down to be able to use any idea how to fix it?

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detached the board from the unit and clean it with a lacquer flo(use hadson brand for cleaning and a soft bristle toothbrush) after cleaning dry it with a air blower and after drying put a small piece of thermal tape on every ic parts of the board these will serves as cooling sealant on every ic parts that are heating and it's done temperature warning will not pop up again

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