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The HTC One (codenamed M7) is HTC's 2013 flagship smartphone. It features a seamlessly designed unibody aluminum frame, large dual front-facing speakers, and a 4.7-inch 1080p display.

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Phone doesn't read SIM-card


I have a HTC One that does recognize when you insert a SIM card, but it is unable to read the SIM-data.

When you insert a card it shows "Preparing Simcard" but doesn't show provider information and has no reception.

Is this a faulty Sim Card reader?

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my htc one no signal no imei why ?


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Maybe the Antenna is broken, check the connection of the cabels and clips that go to the backcover.


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Have you tried restoring the phone to defaults ? (don't forget to backup your data before doing this). Some Android users that I know already had this kind of problem and it seemed to be linked to a software problem. You may thy that before starting any repair !

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it didn't help. Maybe I should mention that the phone is already opened.

Is there any antenna in the backcover so the phone cant get the provider information and reception?

the sim slot seemed to be ok because every pin in the cable had contact to a sim pin.

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I changed the reader and noticed it was ok. The phone reads the phone number from the SIM card but since it has still no reception it can't receive the provider information. Any solution for this?

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ok go to settings then go to about phone open to operator & it should tell you who the operator is if is working properly. ihave found they take a while to process the sim signal as well.

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