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The Asus Transformer Pad TF300T is an Android tablet computer released in April 2012. The Asus Transformer design includes an optional docking keyboard that “transforms” the tablet into more of a laptop computer.

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I can't charge my tablet

Hi there,

I can't charge my tablet and I think it's something to do with the actual tablet, not the charger. I have tried a different charger and still nothing.

The only way I saw my tablet was charging when I have connected it to my laptop with USB, but it was really really slow and I have to just leave it. If I will be using the tablet while charging with a laptop the battery % goes down. Also, it is not showing me that Android "storm" icon when it's charging it.

Not sure what to do with that. Any ideas?

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Kos , "while charging with a laptop" is what will not work for you. The original charger has 15v 1.2A (18Watts). For normal charging, a charger would have to have an output at least 12v and 1.5A (18Watts). Your laptops USB port, or any other computer USB port will only provide 500mA (0.5A). Double check the "tried a different charger" values. Use a new cable as well. Since it is charging, however slow, on your laptop, I'd say your issues are most likely not with your tablet. Hope this helps, good luck.

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I have had this exact same problem, and it means that the wall plug part of the charger is not working properly. That needs to be replaced. The cable is not the problem.

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I had asimilar problem and it turned out to be the charging cable.


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I have not tried changing from my laptop because of the power level issues discribed above although the plug pack of the charger still gives the output that the information on it's outside specifies according to my multimeter

I just want to prevent me getting another broken laptop after connecting the TF300 to it

Could charging through the USB-1 port be a long shot option? Like some phones are charged through a USB-3 port?

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