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The MiP robot was released in August 2014. MiP is an interactive robot toy designed for kids. The robot responds using hand sensory technology, as well as a downloadable app that allows MiP to drive, dance and play games.

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MIP bluetooth won't discover

Trying to use bluetooth with my iphone 6 and it never FINDS the MIP---just says discovering over and over...Thoughts?

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Bewertung 12
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How to pair it and is deos'nt register


Having same issue. Tried replacing batteries, uninstalling/reinstalling app. No success. Entered a ticket on WowWee's website, but no answer yet. Will post when they do. Please update if you find a resolution.


We had the same problem. We ended up exchanging it for a new one. We knew something was not right when it wouldn't connect to any devices including an iPhone 6. As soon as we turned on the new one - it connected to our son's nexus 7. Looks like the Bluetooth was broken in the original mip.


Please can someone help me! I need the password for the bluetooth when trying to connect? Any ideas as to what it could be and where i could find it



does bluetooth on? if not do this scroll down


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8 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

Try switching Bluetooth on or off in the Settings and try pressing the refresh button in the top right. As mooka1 said, try tapping on the auto-connect screen.

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I have an LG k10 and I am haveing the same pobelm


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if its stuck not the search for mip screen (has the mips jumping up and down on it) tap the screen and you should go through to another screen that allows u to pick a mip.

hope this helps.

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The MIP robot is no longer discovered with the Android 8.0 (Oreo) update (bluetooth issue). Already reported to Google.

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This is correct I have android 8.0 and I was able to connect the mip to the app, but after I had to change the batteries the mip isnt showing up on my phone again. Very frustrating.


If your mip doesnt turn on with new batteries then there might be a loose wire. I had TO takes the screws out of his back and mess with the wires. There should be a black and red wire (thicker than the other wires) have masking tape on the end of the wires. Tape the wires back to there circuit board and it should turn on


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What about pie? Not working on Samsung s9 plus

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I Can't connect my Mip to my phone. It says I need a passkey but it never said that before. Earlier it connected flawlesly. Please help me find a fix.

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Yeah me too can someone help . What is the pin?


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Try switching Bluetooth off and then on a couple of times. If not the try charging the MIP.

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It worked just fine on android 5 untill i put new batteries into mip then its not showing on the app it shows the mip in the Bluetooth menu but it needs a

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I try connecting to Bluetooth and it asks for a pin

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