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The Motorola Razr V3c is a CDMA2000 version of the Razr.

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recharge connector plug doesn't work

I have a problem in recharge the battery. I use a charger cable (working) connected to the connector port on the phone through the charger plug and on the other end to the electric line.

But it seems the connection doesn't work, as the contact inside the phone is not working.

How can I verify and repair the connector or substitute the part?

Thank you in advance


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The charging port should be a standard mini-USB connection. Try hooking the phone up to your computer to see if it shows any sign of life. If so, double check that working charging adapter with a friends phone, or use their charging adapter. If it doesn't even show signs of life plugged into a computer (should try to charge itself from the computer) then the USB port on the phone is damaged, and is not so easily repairable.

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The device is apparently notorious for having batterie not charging issues.what seems to be a solution is using original charger and or original moto usb cable for your P.C..Theres a diagram you can Google showing a fix for the modified connector you can fix on a generic usb cable.it consist of soldering a resistor to a couple of the traces on a connector to enable the device to sense its in charging mode.While I havent done this fix,its posted by quite a few people on line.

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