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This laptop from HP was released in November 2011. It has a 17.3" display and and comes in either silver or nero black.

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Why isn't my computer turning on?

I'm pushing the power button, but nothing is happening.

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Your battery might be dead. Try plugging your charger in to your computer and then turning it on again. If that works, you might just need to charge your battery. If you have your charger in and the computer turns on but the battery isn't actually storing any power, you will need to replace your battery. There is a guide for replacing a battery at the following link:

HP Envy 17-3070nr Battery Replacement

If using the charger doesn't fix the problem and you know the charger isn't broken, then try referring to the troubleshooting page for this laptop at the following link:

HP Envy 17-3070nr Troubleshooting

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Sometimes this computer's power lock can be enabled due to some fault, to unlock it, simply press and hold both the power button and beats button at the same time.

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what is the "beats Button"


3051cl hp computer, boots sometimes, sometimes it won't boot. Tried holding button 30 seconds to no avail. Tried holding windows button & B & power button at same time to no avail. not sure what the "Beats Button is?


Tried all that to no avail, had it in computer shop 3 times to no avail. Sometimes it boots, sometimes it doesn't. Repair man gave its a good cleaning and it worked. Brought it home, worked for a day, now it won't boot again?


When it boots, it shows a full charge.


When holding start button down for 30 seconds, LED light next to charging port blinks 3 times, pauses, blinks 3 time, pauses, etc etc?


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