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Why "k" key doesn't function?

Hi, the "k" letter of my keyboard is dead, I tried connecting my keyboard to two different machines (Mac and Win) with the same results. I tried to take the key off and clean it, but nothing changed.

Any ideas??


Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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I have 3 original Apple wired keyboards all with a malfunctioning K key - typing anything with a "k" included needs visual check to ensure it appears... otherwise its repeated tapping to get a response.


Had the same problem with letter Y...if it' not a software issue like speech dictation or similar, or mechanical issue like spilled liquid try removing the cap of the letter than adjusting the rubber connector...than take a pointy object and try pushing the key and gently adjusting the rubber connector. It has worked for me


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Gewählte Lösung

Here's the only solution I could find to a single malfunctioning key on that particular keyboard: http://www.omninerd.com/articles/Apple_C...

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Bewertung 4

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Thanks Mayer, I only press the k key, but nothing happen, upper o lower case is the same.

Thanks a lot


That site appears to have been hijacked.


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