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The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is part of Google's NEXUS lineup of flagship devices. It has an HD Super AMOLED display, curved display, and Android version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

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black circle app won't go away

There is an app that appeared on my phone's wall. It's a black circle and does nothing when I click on it. If I press and hold so I can remove it, it just opens a wallpaper selector. I can't move it or delete it. It just showed up and now I can't get rid of it. Help?

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1 Antwort

Hetzelfde iets ervaar ik op een iPhone 6 Plus.

BlackCircle app. Voor contacten verwijderd.

Dus niet, telkens bij opening contacten of instellingen krijg een vraag om het wachtwoord in te voeren voor BlackCircle.

Dit terwijl deze verwijderd is.

Wie weet de oplossing?

translate :

I experience the same thing on an iPhone 6 Plus.

Black Circle app. deleted contacts.

So no, each time opening contacts or institutions receive a prompt to enter the password for Black Circle.

This while it is removed.

Who knows the answer?

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See if you can find it in your app manager and remove it from there


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