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The Kenmore 90 Series is a washing machine manufactured by Kenmore.

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Washer won't agitate or spin and hums when trying

Hello all,

So the other day my wife throws in a load of laundry and comes back hours later to find that the washer control knob is in the off position (as if it completed the cycle) and the tub is full of water.

I take a look and find that if I place the knob at the beginning of a cycle I hear a hum but no agitation. If I place it in Spin mode and activate the lid switch manually, it will make the usual sound when engaging the tub to spin but instead of spinning it just hums. Thinking that something might be stuck, I manually drained most of the water and attempted the same operation and found that the tub would move slightly (less than a eighth of a turn. I then attempted to jerk it into motion by leaving it in spin mode and repeatedly activating the lid switch and every so often I'd get a quarter turn of the tub and started to smell a slight burning odor and stopped after that.

I then found an article (well written) that talked about the motor coupling and ended up tearing the machine down only to find that the coupler was intact (not shredded/broken/disintegrated).

The last observation I can offer is that I am barely able to move the tub by hand (but seem to recall that I should be able to freely) but can move the agitator just fine (in the opposite direction of the tub).

Not sure if it's the tranny or ??

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Make sure water supply is OK, my washer had all of these problems and I thought it was the Timer or an electronic part problem; but, it was shutoff water caused by a hose (FloodSafe Auto-Shutoff Connector). I replaced both Hot and Cold water hoses and everything works now.


this was posted in 2015...


Posted in 2015 but still helpful when someone has the same problem. Thank you a lot!


I ended up replacing the motor on the machine, only to find it did the same thing....did not advance and hummed. I believe it is the ejector pump that is worn and locks up not allowing the motor to turn freely. I'm getting a new ejector pump. I'm pretty sure that will remedy the situation.


My washer makes a clicking sound when spinning I think its the bearing does anyone have a advice or suggestions on how to fix it?


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So the problem turned out to be one of my daughters tiny socks that got sucked into the water pump. This was preventing the motor from turning and therefore the tub.

Removed the sock and the washer is working.


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Thank you for posting your solution. We had the same issues you described and based on your comment inspected our water pump to find socks!


Same here a sock!!!!


Happened to me too, and removing the sock did the trick! Thank you SO much!

P.S. If you turn the water off be sure to turn it back on when you're done. I forgot and thought the washer was still broken for a while!!


Thank you for posting the solution. I pulled the pump and found a little pick sock. It was a fast and easy fix, and only needed a pair of pliers.


This ended up being my issue as well. Taken care of and back in business!


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I had "humming but not starting" syndrome on my washer motor. Replaced capacitor, no help. Pump was clear. Put motor on bench with wiring jig and it worked fine!! So that ruled out motor and switch. I finally saw some mention of these series 90's having a weird phenomenon of the red start wire at harness going bad. I had checked continuity before but never between the cap and harness plug. Eureka!!! open circuit despite looking perfect externally. I spliced in a new 4" section of wire and it's good as old!! 99% of experts recommended new motor with my symptoms. Never give up lol

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This sounds just like my old machine acted. However, I don't understand where the red start wire that you replaced is located. I'm better with nuts and bolts than electricity so feel free to use a basic description so as not to confuse my non-electric brain.


Thank you so much for this info. I wish I found this before calling the repairman. After $300 in new parts and still no luck, this solution worked. :)


Which red wire are you referring to?


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Before you go to the transmission check:

Stator Assembly

How it Works:

The stator interacts with the rotor to create a strong electromagnetic field which rotates the tub in either direction. If the windings on the stator are damaged, the washer will not spin or agitate. Check the stator for damaged windings or other defects.

Rotor Assembly

How it Works:

The rotor interacts with the stator to create a strong electromagnetic field, which rotates the tub in either direction. If the magnets on the rotor are damaged, or any part of the rotor is defective, the washer may not spin or agitate. To determine if the rotor is defective, inspect the rotor for damage. If the rotor is damaged, replace it.

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Thanks. I should have also mention that I did spin the motor shaft to make sure it wasn't seized (it wasn't). Aside from that, where are the Rotor and Stator assemblies located?


Actually I don't know on your model.


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Motors Humming and not rotating usually means the “helping” phase for motor motion to start, is not doing its job. (what the capacitor is there for, it creates a phase shift to create a “second phase”)

Washing machines, being what they are, sometimes overloaded or vibrating can hammer the wiring either through heat (overload) or fatigue (vibration). As previously mentioned, the humming should always be checked, either a dead capacitor or dodgy wiring could be the issue, even if the drum and agitator do start running after a previous “dislodging” of something.

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Never ever trust a repairman most things you can do yourself. It is more than likely the rotor or capacitor and there are many videos that show you how. I am an active lung cancer patient and i did it. So you should be able to do it as well dont go buy a new motor until you check those 2 things.

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To drain the water out of your washer, just take the drain line out of the drain and put it in a five gallon bucket. You can empty about 90% of the water. You will have to empty the bucket 2 or 3 times. To get the water to stop flowing, put the hose back in the drain or hold it up above the washer while someone else empties the bucket. To get the next bit of water out, you'll need to hold the bucket on its side and the drain hose needs to be as low as possible. Water will start to flow and you can sit the bucket up and siphon all but about 1% of the water out. Disconnect the drain hose from the washer. There will be water right up to the top of the fitting. Use a 1/4” plastic hose pushed into the drain fitting to siphon out the last of the water.

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My washer want make a noise and want fill up but it will spin when I turn the knob to spin what would be wrong with it plz help thank you...


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