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Von Huawei produziertes Android Smartphone, herausgekommen im Oktober 2014.

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Why they can't hear me during a call

During a call, i can hear the person on the other line but they can't hear me. If i use the loud speaker mode or connect a head phone they will be able to hear me then. I already tried to restart the phone and even tried to reset it but still don't work. I wonder because I never dropped it and the phone is just a year old. So please help me. Thank you and I look forward to the help you can give.

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I also have this problem


I also have the same problem


I also have this problem and phone has been back to repair centre twice but same problem again!!!!


I also have same problem


I’m having the same problem with my p smart


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Gewählte Lösung

Hi @ toni_alison,

Check the suggestions in the Chosen Solution in this link and see if they help, especially regarding the voice inlet hole being blocked

The information is relevant, except for the phone make and model of course ;-)

No One can Hear Me... HELP!?!?!!

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My wife had this trubble, it was from a small amount of rain water that got into the microphone and killed it. The fix is to take the device apart, desoder the microphone, soder in a new microphone and put the device back to gather. HTC refused to honor the warenty then they voided the warenty wich forced me to fix it after they charged us $147.97 just for the microphone, the phone was only a $65 device. My advice, save the trubble, put it in the bone yard and enjoy a new device.

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Sounds to me like it's an internal mic problem


I found problem of mic

Go your phone's setting and go sound and search sound enhancement and turn off besloudness

Because I fix problem of my mobile to use it


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hi. i had the same problem and got new phone because mine was under warranty. mine had the problem with the noise cancelation microphone which is near the headphone jack. The person on the other line could't hear me when i used the loud speaker mode, only in normal mode. So if you have warranty with your phone go with it and they will fix it or will replace it. Mine was replace it.

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Is the phone under warranty? If so, you can take it to the service center of the manufacturer since Huawei puts much attention on product quality and customer's satisfaction.

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My mobile is honor 10 lite

And I'm able to listen who called me

But they don't

What should I do

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use a headphone or earphone , your microphone could be the issue


@Famis Kadiro This is a wonderful suggestion....THANK YOU SO MUCH...Obviously my mic is playing up, but when I put my earphone in and phoned someone they could hear me. However, the recorder still isn't working, but I can cope with that as long as people can hear when I ring them..YO!!! thank you again.


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