Why samsung laptop half screen is pink & vertical lines?

Yesterday, all of sudden, my laptop screen started flickering vertically up down. I restarted the system. But it remained the same from BIOS bootup. Then i uninstalled the display driver and installed various drivers version. Nothing.

Now i am ended as shown in the Image of laptop screen.picture, 90% pink screen (just small portion from top is OK), and vertical white pacthes (which are not contant, they change in size & numbers to some extent.)

Anybody help me please? A detailed do it yourself will be appreciated. i dont know much about hardware. thank you.

Your early reply will help me out greatly, please.

update: Just checked the display by connecting another monitor, display was fine. But at my own laptop, screen is pink and vertical patches fluctuating.

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update: Just checked the display by connecting another monitor, display was fine.


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