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Der Bose SoundLink Color ist ein Bluetooth-Lautsprecher, der als kostengünstigere und tragbare Alternative zum SoundLink Mini konzipiert wurde.

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Won't turn on with/without plugged to AC charger

Hi, my speaker does not turn on, when it is plugged to the AC I'm able to see the battery light but it won't turn on with or without be plugged to the power adapter.

I already updated its firmware but it did not work.

Please help !!

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I just had this problem. Did some searching and came across this: update.bose.com/soundlinkcolor to update my SoundLink's software. If that doesn't work (or if your unit's software is up to date), do the following:

1. Plug SoundLink's in to wall charger

2. Hold down the play/pause button for 15 seconds.

3. Then, BEFORE releasing the play/pause button, unplug the charge cord from the unit.

4. Release the play/pause button.

5. Plug the unit back into the wall charger.

6. Press the power button, and your unit should power on.

Side note: Steps 1-4 above put the unit in "ship mode" and steps 5-6 take it to 'normal mode'.

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Not working

It is not working when I plugged in to my charger

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arturorv00 wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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