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Das Samsung Galaxy S5 mini ist ein Smartphone erschien am 28. Juli 2014. Es ist mit einer 8MP Rückkamera, einem 720p Display, einem Fingerabdruckscanner und einem wasserdichten Gehäuse ausgestattet. Es hat ein größeres Display, längere Akkulaufzeit und eine bessere Kamera als sein älterer Bruder, das Galaxy S4 Mini.

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Phone won't turn on, no matter what.

I was browsing the web on my 1 month old phone when all of a sudden it turned off and I was faced with a black screen. It had 84% battery at the time and I did not accidentally hold down the power button so I found this strange. I took the battery out and tried to turn it on again but it didn't work. I left it alone over-night and tried again in the morning but it didn't work. I tested the battery and turns out that it was in working order.Then. I tried the hold volume up, home, and power button waiting for a vibration, didn't work. There is absolutely no sign of life... no light, no sound, no motion. I'm heart-broken...

Also, it did not have any water damage or experience any severe drops. There is a slight possibility that sand may of entered it. Otherwise, I have no idea why this happened or how to fix it. T^T

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I have an s5 that was in perfect working order before I upgraded it. It was stored away for about 6 months. I tried to turn it on and nothing. Changed out the battery and still nothing. I know this phone should work. It's an s5 but it's been protected and if I had the original box its new


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3 Antworten

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Power switch is not directly plugged into the mother board but it a contact connection. I 'fixed' my intermittent power button problem by applying a small amount of pressure on the screen directly above the power switch whenever I need to use the power button.

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That's it, thanks!


used the above suggestion, applied a little pressure by pinching both sides of phone at power button and the phone powered up, thanks


Genius! Thanks worked perfectly!


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This is not normal, I am quite an expert with samsung phones.

This is more likely a hardware error.

By the way when you hold volume up+home+power buttons, how long do you hold it for? The correct method is to hold volume up AND home buttons together first, after that hold down the power button. Don't let go of any button untill you see the phone's logo. This usually leads you to the recovery screen. If you can't even get this to work, I suspect the boot is corrupted.

Try this to get download mode on your phone. Hold volume down + home buttons first, then keep holding the power button for few seconds untill you see a warning and options to continue/cancel.

If you successfully got to this download mode, then you can flash a new rom yourself using ODIN. Here's the link to the page:


NOTE: If you can't get to the download mode also, then it is definitely a hardware fault, most likely a bricked device!

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I did all the possible fix but still nothing, I noticed that if I remove the battery of my s5, I would have to plug it in before I can turn it on even if the battery is fully charged. Then all of a sudden the phone wont turn on. I plug the phone in, it just vibrate then goes off. I cant enter recovery mode, but I can enter the odin download mode. Anytime I remove the charger it goes off. Please what else can I do?


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As for me, i dd the hard reset way and it came on..it was totally off but aftr pressing power + vol up + menu buttons it came on

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Hi, i have a problem with my Samsung s5 mini phone. My power button removed from the phone, and i don't know how to turn it on. I've tried all u said but it is still not working. Pls what can i do next


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