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Die Canon Power Shot A 540 ist eine "ziele und drücke ab" Kamera aus dem Jahre 2006 mit 6 Megapixel und einem 4fach Zoom Objektiv.

7 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Why can't I reset the date as requested?

When I turn on the camera, the screen requires me to set the date and time (the camera was purchased ten years ago). I fill in the new info and press the OK central button but it won't take a new date and get off the screen; it returns to the request to set time and date. While I can get out of that screen to take new photos or access old ones, I cannot copy any new ones onto my computer because all that comes up is the Set Date/Time screen.

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Replace the CR1220 clock battery: Canon PowerShot A540 Uhrenbatterie Austausch

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3 Kommentare:

Yes, but where do I purchase that CR1220 battery?


My grocery store carries them, A Radio Shack would be sure to have them.


Yes, I'm grateful. Purchased the battery and it worked to fix the problem! --Joan


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