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Quadcopter with pre-installed camera gimbal, 4K video camera, and wireless video transmission.

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Why doesn't my drone start?

i go through the start up process, calibrate the compass, and when I pull back on the controller levers to start the motors, blinking green lights on the drone go to red and it does not start. I have repeated the process and sometimes it does start and fly as it's supposed to but most of the time it does not.

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well I would start with what I know, batteries are full in both units ?....I think you've flown this combo before, did anything happen since your last flight, maybe a "light" crash , radio (controller) get "bumped" off the kitchen table? it doesn't take much for a pcb to break a connection just to ruin your day. Without turning screws and opening anything up (not recommended) their are only a couple things it could be, I would start with the batteries

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I have 3 batteries and I have the same issue with all 3 fully charged. No crashes or bumps. It did set up unused for about a year but it was fine for the first 5 or 6 flights before this issue started. I thought maybe it was the Wifi extender but I'm still experiencing the same problem after changing it.


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