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The Motorola Razr V3, also known as the Motorazr V3, was the first Razr released into the market in the third quarter of 2004.

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Wont turn on and won't stop charging

So I plugged the phone in to a charger and it gives a flashing message sayiing charging battery. It's been plugged in for a couple hours now, I tried to turn it on a few times while on the charger, nothing, just gives me the same message. so when I took it off the charger it still wouldn't turn on. How Lin is it supposed to charge before you can turn it on? And shouldn't I be able to turn it on while still on the charger? It doesn't have a SIM card in yet, not sure if this affects any of that.

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- sim cards have no effect on powering on the phone, its should be on even without a sim card

- yes you should be able to turn the phone on while on charger.

so i suggest

1. remove your battery and reinsert it, then try to power it on and see

2. change the battery/ get a new one

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