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Das Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ist ein Smartphone, das im Oktober 2014 heraus kam. Die Modellnummer des Galaxy Note 4 ist bei der amerikanischen Variante eine der folgenden: SM-N910, SM-N910A, SM-N910T, SM-N910V, oder SM-N910R4.

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Phone won't come on

I was speaking on the phone when it suddenly turned off and wouldn't start again. It keeps bleeping every 5 seconds and the "Samsung" words appear and disappear.

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1 Antwort

Sounds like your Battery has died. easy and cheap to replace.

Buy new battery from Amazon

Take back off back of phone, pull out the battery

Put new Battery in

Charge Phone

Start up phone

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Thanks for trying to help but it didn't work. I bought a new original Samsung battery but it's doing the same thing. Every 10 seconds it bleeps and the Samsung writing appears on the screen. It won't do anything else.


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