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Das Moto E4, auch bekannt als Motorola Moto E (4. Gen.) oder die Modellnummern XT1765, XT1766, XT1767 und XT1768 wurden im Juni 2017 veröffentlicht.

14 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Can't send text messages until reboot.

Occasionally, my phone will refuse to send text messages until reboot. Calling is still functional. This usually happens with an uptime of >24 hours. I have tried using different messaging programs, disabling and re-enabling mobile data, and cleaning the sim card contacts. What could be causing this issue?

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Hi @ian_ ,

Are you talking about SMS or MMS?

SMS doesn't require mobile data to be enabled, MMS does.

Have you tried using the phone in safe mode to see if it works OK?

If it does then a downloaded app may be the cause of the problem.

Just a thought.


I have only tested this issue with SMS. I have not tried using safe mode due to how unreliable the replication of this issue is, but it's existed pretty much since I got the phone. I can try putting it in safe mode for a couple days to see what happens.


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I agree with jayeff, I believe its a APN issue. You can google the APN Setting of your carrier and input that into your settings to allow your phone to send certain messages.

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I have tried resetting my phone to default APN settings before, I should have mentioned that in the question. I did look into changing the APN values to something else, but when I try to edit them, every option besides "APN" itself is greyed out.


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