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Starts & Restarts - Repeats

I installed Linux Mint, and wiped out W10.

I restart the PC, and here is what happened:

It powers on (but the lights contained in the fans was not as bright as it usually is), and then shuts off immediately.

The thing is, it has happened even when I was running W10, but it has brighter fan lights, last a little bit longer (before shutting off) ~approximately 1-2 seconds. But, I had to keep hitting the power on button to start it.

And the cycle continues; it eventually starts (before Linux Mint).

As of now, it will turn, and then shuts off, repeatedly. I had to unplug the power cord or else it will keep turning on-shutting off on its on - non-stop.

Is this a PSU issue?

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This may be a faulty Power On or Reset Switch on the machine. It is worth a shot to try. If you could provide a Model or Manufacture of the PC I can give you instuctions on how to test this. The basic principle will be unplug the power and reset switch and then to touch the corresponding pins on the motherboard with a screw drives / knife (anything metal really) and see if it boots. Hope this helps!

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mightykeyboard wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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