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The first generation Honda CRV, produced from 1995 to 2001.

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Starter doesn't engage. Makes no attempt to crank

It works sometimes. But most times when you turn the key on the lights and everything turns on but the stater win’t crank. Battery has been replaced. Starter has been replaced. Still same problem.

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Gewählte Lösung

Use a multimeter to check continuity of the battery cable from the battery to the solenoid . Have someone else move it while you are checking. It may be partially corroded on the inside.

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Both battery cables have been changed no difference. Starter also has been replaced. When you turn the key in lights and everything turn on. Sometimes it will crank and start but most times it doesn't do anything. No clicking no lights dimming.


Sounds like an ignition switch if the starter relay is not clicking in the start position of the switch. When you first turn on the ignition switch but not yet cranking, do you hear the fuel pump PRIME then turn off? The fuel pump should also turn on while cranking, do you notice this also?


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