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The Nissan Altima is a mid-size automobile manufactured by Nissan, and is arguably a continuation of the Nissan Bluebird line, which began in 1957.

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Cranking but won't start

My car started running hot. Heater wouldn'twork either. My boyfriend replaced the water pump and the 2 themostats. He drove it down the road it didn't get hot. He shut it off and went to start it back. Wouldn't start only crank. So he replaced the crank senor wasn't it. Checked the plugs. It's getting fire. The fuel pump is coming on. He also took the air mass senor out still wouldn't start. I took it to mechanic he's had it for a week. He still don't know either. But keeps telling me he'll have it fixed the next day.

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the fuel pump coming on does not put fuel in the engine. The injectors are responsible for that. You need fuel, air and spark. Assuming the air filter isn’t totally blocked which would cause it to flood, and the spark is good, then the injectors are not working. Could be a timing sensor, blocked injectors or computer.

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Check your security system


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have your mechanic check your heater core..

Plugged heater core.

Update (03/07/2019)

or a faulty thermost that is sticking.. or installed backwards..

has your mechanic pressure tested your cooling system? and performed a leak down test?

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Have u tried the main

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Heather wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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