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Sechste Generation der Apple iPhones, angekündigt am 12. September 2012. Die Reparatur des Geräts ist ähnlich derer älterer Modelle, Schraubendreher und Hebelwerkzeuge werden benötigt. Verfügbar mit GSM oder CDMA ,16, 32 oder 64 GB in schwarz oder weiß.

23 Fragen Alle anzeigen

new battery won't charge

I replaced the battery with an ifixit battery. The battery showed 4% charge. I plugged it in and the charging icon lit. The battery kept discharging until the phone shut off. The battery won’t charge. When the phone is powered up thru a lightning cable the apple logo cycles on and off. The phone doesn’t turn on. I swapped the batteries between two 5 phones - the problem phone and a working phone. The problem phone now works normal and the working phone now does the same thing as the problem phone. Using two different phones eliminates hardware and software issues. Is it possible that the battery needs some type of “jump start” procedure to get it to charge? If so, what is that procedure?

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If you are experiencing the same issue on a known good phone with the replacement battery it is likely that your replacement battery is defective.

Try a different battery and if this doesn’t solve your issue move on to the charge port.

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My thought as well. Thanks

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