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Changed batteries and it doesn't power up after that.

I have changed batteries in my wireless keyboard and when I wanted to turn on keyboard it couldn't be turned on? It was working fine before that. Made sure batteries are installed properly, still it can not be turned on! Help, please. Thank you!

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Does it work with the old batteries put back in?


Mine did not start up, the capslock key fell out the first day I got it, we should get a new keyboard.


Here is likely the issue - corrosion in the compartment! Get a cotton ball, damp with white vinegar, get a long piece of skinny material...wood...shishkabob...even a metal coat hanger - take needle nose pliers and put a little hook in the end. It will make it easier to get the cotton ball back up. . Push the cotton ball down the hole and move it around. Do not push too hard into the end and damage the connection area. Clean out all corrosion..look down with flash light. It should now work with new batteries.


This worked. Day one with no problem.


I have a wireless mouse that wouldent work ethier! i have had the same problem NOW!


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Gewählte Lösung

I found the solution on the apple forum:

Take all Batteries Out.

Roll up a small piece of Tin Foil about the size of a Pea.

Drop the Tin Foil Ball down the Battery Compartment.

Put your Batteries Back In.

You should have a Working Keyboard.

This worked for several people on here including me.

I'm still running 2 months later with my rolled up piece of Tin Foil in my Battery Compartment.

I know it sounds Crazy. That's what I first thought.

Apparently Apple did not make the + Terminal Inside the Keyboard correctly.

Try it. What have you got to lose?

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thaaaaanks... it works!!!!!


Yes, yes, yes thank you Jensekin it worked for me too!!!

I'm so glad that i didn't trow it away :-)


I had a keyboard that went bad because of a bleeding battery. I cleaned it up and tried to fire it up to no avail. I was real unhappy because I couldn't take it apart to get in do do more. I couldn't believe that the foil trick would work, but it did1 Your advice and an insignificant piece of foil and I have my expensive keyboard back. Wow! Thank you muchos!


Thank you soo much! Worked perfectly! :D


Just worked fore me too I had already replaced one keyboard! This was the first battery change on the new keyboard and it would not power up with the new batteries. I pea sized piece of foil.Instant result!thanks


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I encountered the same problem. I was mislead by the "dummy battery" inside the battery compartment, think that it was positive terminal facing upwards. So naturally when inserted battery with positive terminal facing the lid, it will have wrong polarity. After I reverse the battery terminal, with positive terminal inserted facing down, keyboard works like a charm. Really a silly and misleading design. First it misled me into thinking that there is a third battery stuck inside, second it misled me into aligning the wrong polarity of the battery as I did not notice the polarity when I remove the old batteries. Hope this sharing helps!

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A perfect explanation of the problem as I saw it. My keyboard works fine now.


Thankyou the tin foil worked perfectly..


I feel like an idiot - same - thought dummy battery was third battery. Also inserted wrong way.....thanks!


So it works for me for a second but then the light goes off. Suggestions?


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I tried the pea-sized foil, several different "pea" sizes... Each time, the green light came on for a second or 2 then started blinking--33 times blink-blink, then finally the green light went off altogether.

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The flashes indicate that the keyboard is in "pairing" mode. If near a computer or iPad in discoverable Bluetooth mode, you will see the keyboard available to connect. If it is paired already, it will not do this flashing, just stay on for a few seconds.


This is also happening for me. Tinfoil worked to get the battery lights coming back on. It shows up as paired but then the light starts flashing and it turns off altogether. Any additional suggestions? Without the tinfoil it is completely unresponsive but with it I get a glimmer of hope but still cannot connect


Brilliant - this worked for me and here I am typing away on my newly fixed keyboard. I did have to put in quite a large piece of foil though as it didn't work with a small piece.


Thanks so much! My trackpad works again!


I,ve read the post and all the positive comments after 15 years (!). Thank you all. Jensekin


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I had this issue after spending the better part of a day removing severely corroded batteries. I was devastated to find it didn't turn on after all the work I put in.

I looked at everything more closely and noticed a key thing. The screw holding the logic board into place is the negative terminal for the batteries! When I put everything back together I didn't tighten that enough *and* I had a bunch of dust and crud in the screw threads on the end cap as a result of the cleaning. I gave it a good rub with a paper towel and Q-Tip and voila! Back in business!

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This is what worked for me!!I cleaned the screw and the threads with a little alcohol!!


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I tried everything. Almost went to buy a new keyboard. ( mine is probably 5 years old )Luckily I read about the tin foil , tried it and IT WORKED!!

had to put in a code but it’s working !!

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Bad replacement batteries?

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I tried to put old batteries back in and bought new batteries 3 times, but still nothing. Thank you for your help.


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I bought one a week or two ago, only to find that it would intermittently cut out…

I discovered that If I “tap”, or lightly strike the keyboard in certain ways, it would start working again… If I wiggled the battery compartment cover, it would work again, so I concluded that it was a loose connection somewhere. Tried tin foil down in the battery compartment (in the negative side)….But it was really hard to cram the batteries back in….and it still cuts out. I’ll keep tinkering.

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It works! Unbelievable. Been keeping the inoperable keyboard for years. Why didn’t I google this before. Thanks so much for this community. Stay safe and God bless!


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Hi guys, if you want to save your money and literally do it for free then follow my solution, my wireless keyboard wasn’t working so generally i thought it was out of charge, and so the next day when i put working battery it didn’t seem to turn on, so I realized that might have broke or something, I came to this website and read about the tin foil trick, and yes I had tin foil, but wasn’t really in the mood to getting up and using tin foil, so I put the two batteries in properly, and then when the battery area got filled I pressed with a medium force down on the batteries so some force would go to the the third battery which is allows in the Mac, boom it started working. You’ve got to try it, and guess what that’s all free.

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Worked for me too! Thanks for the tip! ?


To avoid corrosion damage, use premium (i.e., eneloop) NiMH batteries. They are much less likely to leak than alkalines. I've never seen it, in fact, but I'm sure it can happen.


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try removing that thin plastic strip

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I had to scroll down to the very bottom to say; this WORKS! I was blown away, clearly the spring got a bit compressed, if it's an issue again I'll have to take it apart but for now it's golden. Jensekin you were spot on, thanks.

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