Won't turn on, SMC reset non productive.

The background of this device is kinda iffy, since a friend brought it to me after he couldn't repair it and all the owner said was they never let it die before and it does during a week where her charger broke (dropped during commute and shattered but not connected).

However even now with a new charger it won't power up no matter what he or I tried. If the charger is plugged in the green light on the magsafe is on.

However the battery level indicator blinks and shows empty when pressed or if the charger is removed.

SMC shows no change, that is the traditional shift + cntl + option + power.

The more in-depth SMC shows nothing as well battery off for up to 2 mins then the aforementioned button combo.

The same after reseating the memory does nothing.

★Plugging in the computer whilst the battery is unplugged will not start it either.

*I will bring it to my house to try a working battery later but honestly I'm unsure of what the issue is.

**I haven't done too many chip repairs but I'm not against learning and trying in this case.

‡ my guess is something is up with the power module on general, I can't confirm of the power button even works. It seems the trackpad is stuck in the down position with some sort of adhesive probably a super gel adhesive and I'm not sure if that is interacting with anything.

I'll update as I learn more since I haven't done a full analysis yet just an hour plus sit-down with it, but please let me know if you have any ideas?

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