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Hybridlaptop/-tablet Hergestellt von Microsoft. Veröffentlicht im November 2017.

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After replaced Keyboard battery don't charging

Hi 4 all .. i replaced keyboard battery for my surface book 2 model 1832 .. with same code of old dead battery but the new battery don't charging … how could solve this problem please …

  • I tried uninstalling the battery drivers not work too.
  • When turn device on and the charger connected to it .. device work normally
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Gewählte Lösung

Since you replaced the battery make sure it’s plugged in securely and the black connector is pushed all the way into the port on the mainboard. It may be the ac adapter/charger you are using, make sure the charger is fine as well.

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I check the connector many times and test charging with two ac adapters

But same problem no charging ..

Surface work with direct power only ..


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