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7.1 megapixel camera by Canon, model SD750.

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Can't open battery door?

The battery is out and charging, but the door is closed, and I can't get it to re-open.

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Gewählte Lösung

Hey Tory, sounds like the orange release button (seen here) might be broken. Your best bet would probably be to press the button in using a paper clip or something of the sort by sliding it under the door. Keeping the button pressed firmly, try prying the door up from the area around the button. This may take a few tries, but if you can depress that button, you should be able to pry the door up and see what was wrong.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

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A good way for your camera to end up in yet another pawn shop or thrift store along with the thousands of other cameras with a broken battery doors :( Boo Hiss WOW who wouldv ever thought about prying the %#*@ door open :(


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