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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für das Pixel 4 Smartphone von Google, herausgekommen im Oktober 2019.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

I ordered a screen and I beleive it's defective

I recently ordered a new screen because my previous one was damaged. When I finally got around to installing it, there was a green line and a black splotch at the top of the screen. I am not sure how this happened but seeing as it was like this imediatly upon installing it, I'd assume it would be a dead pixel or group of dead pixels. I don't know the procedure or if this is grounds for a return, I'd like to know if I can fix it or if I'll need to return this one and / or order a new one. Thank you in advance! :)

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Definitely sounds like the screen was damaged in some way either during shipping or other means. I would return it for a replacement.

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