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Eine preisgünstigere Version der Nintendo Switch Spielkonsole als rein tragbare Konsole, mit eingebauten Joy-Con Controllern und etwas kleinerem Bildschirm. Erschienen am 20. September 2019.

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Replaced left joystick and now screen doesn't work

I dropped my Switch Lite and the left joystick snapped off.

I was able to connect a Pro Controller until the replacement joysticks came in so I know the unit was working. Bought a 2 pack of replacement sticks. Neither replacement worked and now my screen doesn’t work.

Unit has power. Sound works for all of the buttons & the right stick. Even the left stick makes the boing sound when pushed in but not other sounds up/down, left/right. I only removed the daughter board when replacing the left joystick so I can’t see where/how I could have unplugged the screen.

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The screen ribbon cable connects to the daughter board right next to the power button ribbon cable. Make sure it’s properly seated and also inspect for damage.

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How is it now? Is it fixed?

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I have this problem too, tried reseating the ribbon cable a couple times but no luck what do I do?

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I had this issue as well a couple of years ago with my Switch Lite and I got it working by taking a Q-tip and isopropyl alcohol cleaning the LCD cable to the best of my ability then making sure it was seated properly. what caused it not to work for me was that I had gotten a little bit of thermal paste on the LCD cable that i didn't notice and cleaning it helped so maybe you can give that a try.

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kai mpqii wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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