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Released in 2017 the ASUS ROG Strix GL503VD is a high performance gaming laptop.

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Won't turn on, no lights

It went dead after I took out the CMOS battery.

Before, the light would be on, when I tried to turn it on, but the screen remained black. In fact, it went black and freezed while I was AFK, and then the device would not reboot. I tried then replugging the charger and the main battery with the same result - lights on (at least the “lightbulb“ indicator), no boot. Then I did the same plus reinserting the CMOS battery (drained static with the power button), and now no lights even flicker.

I let it rest for a day without either battery, but it's still dead. I tried charger only (two different ones, in fact), and battery only, same result. I also checked the RAM modules, detached the HDD, and tried pretty much everything.

I suspect the main battery is the issue, but shouldn't the thing be able to run on AC only, with the battery detached? And what could go wrong with the CMOS battery reset?

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Hi @atych

If no charging light on the laptop, with the charger connected check if there is power on the motherboard side of the DC-In jack (supplier example only) or with the charger disconnected, use an Ohmmeter to check for continuity through the jack to the plug on the motherboard.

A faulty DC-In jack could mean that the battery wasn't charging properly and is now depleted and also now means that it won't start when the charger is connected.

Sometimes the jack’s centre pin breaks internally which open circuits the power supply circuit to the motherboard from the charger. If this is the case the DC-In jack will have to be replaced as they cannot be repaired.

At least for your model, it is a removable module and not soldered directly to the motherboard

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well, the DC-in cable seems to be in order, after all. I got a spare one just in case, but no luck. Must be the motherboard then, right?



No charging light on the laptop indicates a motherboard problem.

You may not be able to start it but it should at least give an indication that power is connected.

If not then there is a problem with the motherboard detecting that power is there.

You've proved the DC-In cable so next step is board level fault finding. You would need the schematics for the board unless the fault is obvious e.g. burnt out component but even then the schematics may be needed to know the value of it if it is completely destroyed. Then of course you would have to find out why just in case it wasn't component failure but something else.


Yep, it was the MB. After another attempt to power on with a new battery, a couple of small chips went alight.


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