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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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Sound doesn't working

My pc just don't play sound, it says there are no output devices, but it is connected, i try to update my video driver but i can't update bc my pc can't allow bc windows says it has the latest driver, i don't know what driver i need for my machine because i didn't build it, where could i check

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Hi @leventesuekoesd,

What is the make and model number of the motherboard and what OS is installed, Win 10, Win 11?

Have you checked the audio controller in Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers is OK i.e. no red cross or yellow exclamation mark next to the audio controller entry listed in the category

It is the audio controller driver not the video driver that produces the audio.

Have you configured the speakers in Control Panel > Sound > Playback?

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I have win 10 64 bit and i have asus motherboard idk the modell number. I tried the things you wrote and even though win says it detects the problem but it can't fix it. I got a little X next to my speaker ikon if it help



What is the status of the audio controller in Device Manager?

To get to Device Manager, press the Win key and the x key (both together) and click on the link.

When in Device manager, scroll down to Sound, video and game controllers, click on the > symbol to expand the list, right click on the audio controller entry - Properties - General tab - Device status box


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