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Known as the Canon EOS Rebel XTi in North America, the XTi is a budget Canon DSLR released in 2006 with a 10.1 MP sensor. Also known as the EOS 400D and the EOS Kiss Digital X.

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My camera won't take pictures

Whenever I try to take a picture, it gives me an error, saying:


Shooting is not possible. Turn the power switch to <OFF> and <ON> again or re-install the battery.

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Have you tried to see weather it works plugged in to power? (If you can do this with the camera, of course)

After doing some research, Error 99 seems to mostly have to do with the shutter. (Error99 basically means there is a problem with the camera, but the device is not sure what the error is) Try to see if you can lock up the shutter for cleaning. If that does not work, then you might want to try to further investigate the shutter.

Good luck fixing your camera!

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