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Why won't the door close without excessive force?

The door of my Panasonic NN-ST46KBBPQ microwave won't close easily. It's 3.5 months out of warranty so Panasonic and retailer won't help. I can't see any obstruction. It's very clean. Can the prongs or catches be adjusted by a keen diyer?

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Hi @dannyyugin

Seems like there may be a problem with the door latch assembly, loose or broken perhaps.

The assembly is where the door interlock switches are mounted and which are operated/released when the door is closed and open.

Here's a video that may help. The door latch assembly can be seen at approx. 1.33 minutes into the video. I realize that it isn't for your exact model but in general the principle is the same.

If a part is broken and needs to be replaced here's a parts list that may be useful, at least to get an idea of the cost of the part.

Be safety aware, the HV capacitor in the oven can store >5000V DC for months even if the power has been disconnected from the oven, for this length of time. This amount of voltage can seriously injure you. The HV capacitor needs to be correctly discharged as soon as the oven's cover has been removed and before any further work is carried out in the oven.

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