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Das kleinste iPhone 14 von Apple wurde am 9. September herausgebracht und verfügt über ein 6,1-Zoll-OLED-Display, ein fortschrittliches Dual-Kamerasystem mit 12 MP und eine Frontkamera mit Autofokus. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13.

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My frontal camera don't work

Hi everyone, I replaced the motherboard of an iPhone 14, I reassembled the front camera but it doesn't work. in the settings it tells me that it cannot determine if the camera/battery/screen are original. everything works except the front camera and face ID. How should I solve this? thanks for those who help me

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check if the wirers are properly connected if that doesn't work you could check the software otherwise it could be apple software locking devices again it wouldn't be the first time

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