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Model A1225 / Mitte 2007 und Anfang 2008 / Core 2 Duo Prozessor mit 2,4 /2,8/3,06 GHz

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Won't power on GPU fault?

I recently began fixing an iMac a1255 the first 2 diagnostic LEDs turn on but unfortunately the other 2 fail I presume it would be a GPU fault but was wondering if there were other troubleshooting steps to take

Update (05/09/24)

Update iMac was left sitting around till I sourced a CPU to try came to install first I tried powering it up before replacing but now only got diagnostic lights was working yesterday and nothing was done

Update (05/15/24)

Update got new ram and received error lights again but nothing else swapped CPU but no change till the morning when it booted up a few times but then it got stuck at a white screen and then multi coloured lines as well GPU ? Thanks in advance

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Sadly LED3 is active when the CPU & GPU are communicating to each other within the logic board and LED4 is when the logic board and the display are communicating to each other.

What is the back story here? Did you try swapping the CPU?

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Ah I thought that it was only GPU and the screen wasn't working due to the GPU fault.

I picked the iMac for free for parts seemed to be opened before began troubleshooting as no sign of life used different cable and then LEDs 1and2 began working as wells as the chime but nothing on screen tried reseating the GPU to no avail

I will see if I can find a cheap CPU to check it with


@donaghmurphy - Sadly it does sound like the GPU chip has failed.


Replaced the GPU and it's working perfectly


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