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Informationen zur Demontage und Reparatur für das Samsung Galaxy S21 5G Android-Smartphone, erschienen im Januar 2021.

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After repairing my s21 it won't boot or anything

After my s21 had the black screen issue where it buzzed and I could get touch sounds I opened it up and reseated the display ribbon cable. It worked but it i tapped it too hard it would loose power. I tried resetting the battery connector but when I tried putting it back on I touched the side of it and it made a frying sound. After I got it connected properly it did not work at all. I tried plugging it in. Nothing. I listened to the power supply and it changed pitch. I disconnected the battery and the power supply pitch changed again. So is the board fried? Would it be possible just to change a fuse or capacitor? Maybe replace the power ic? Or do I have to get a new logic board?

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@owenjones53581 this "I touched the side of it and it made a frying sound" sounds like something got shortened out. Now here comes the tough part. Finding which component this was. You will have to very carefully inspect your board and check the components for any damage. you can always post some large, well focused picture with your Question. That way we can try and assist you with that. Your board will most likely require some boardlevel repair. That means soldering very small component on a busy PCB. Unless you have the tools and the skills, you may need to find somebody doing that for you.

Of course, you could start to go through the Samsung Flowchart for the No Power situation

Block Image

Then use the Component Layoutfile and your PDF search function to locate the components to measure.

Just changing any IC willy nilly is not the way to get it fixed. It may just cause more issues.

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