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Apples Top-Smartphone für 2020. Das iPhone 12 Pro Max wurde am 13. Oktober angekündigt und am 13. November veröffentlicht. Es verfügt über ein 6,7-Zoll-OLED-Display, ein dreifaches Rückkamerasystem mit LiDAR und 5G-Konnektivität. Nachfolger des iPhone 11 Pro Max.

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Says cellular is unavailable and my friends phone won't update

My friends phone got ran over by a car and the screen is destroyed but it's fixed but says cellular needs an update and when try to update it gets stuck on verifying update. I really wanna get the cellular working.

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Have you tried to update with iTunes with a cable connected to the computer?


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Based on the information you provided, you will need professional help to fix your iPhone 12 Pro Max. The motherboard is affected by physical damage. (this is not a software problem)

iPhone 12 Pro Max has a sandwich motherboard. The top board is responsible for UI, and the bottom board is for communications. If the top board does not detect the bottom board, your iPhone will report a cellular error. The top and bottom boards are joined together with a connecting layer. As the iPhone was run over by a car, most likely, the connections are broken/disconnected.

To confirm this problem, go to settings/general/about and check Wi-Fi, Bluetooth ID, and Modem firmware. If any of these are missing, then it's a hardware problem.




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