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I can't change my windows

When I try to change my windows there is error. After I did the setup process. And when I try to activate it it doesn't work. There is error

Update (10/27/24)

Okay the error

1. When I try to install windows 11 to the computer. It says the operation is failed.

2. When I try to update windows from settings, it says (0x800f0991)

3. And when I try to open virus protection of the wondow. It's unresponsive.

4.and the other error I captured yesterday but Idk what I captured it cuz I had a lot of process but here is the error code: 0xC0020036

My pc is hp pavilion plus 14-eh1xxx

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@malik76996 I assume you are doing an upgrade. What version are you upgrading from and what are you upgrading to? This could be related to Windows reporting that your computer does not meet the required hardware. We will need to know your computer exact model number. It will also help if you can tell us what error is reported (if any).


@malik76996 that is a common error when upgrading. Check the Microsoft site for a slew of possible solutions.


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The last time I fixed an issue where Windows wasn't updating, I has to do a repair install first.

Try that.

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