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Neunte Generation des iPad, veröffentlicht am 24. September 2021, erhältlich als 64- oder 256-GB-Modell. Modellnummern A2602.

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iPad won't charge or turn on after battery change

I replaced the battery in an iPad 9 and now it will not take a charge. Everything was functioning fine after with the new battery. Then a short time later it will no longer charge. When I connect a USB power meter it shows 0.01 amps. Nothing changes with a different charger and cable. Is this a board level problem?

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One of the most common issues with iPad repair is that the battery connectors on these are really easy to damage because all the pins are on the underside of the connector. And so they are often bent went trying to isolate them from making contact with the board.

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The thinner pins on the far ends of the connector are used for battery data—that means your board may not be getting some sort of data it needs about the battery. So it may not be charging because it doesn't even think a battery is connected. Or that it thinks the battery is full, or it's just confused. Could be any of the above, but it's the first thing I would check in this case.

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