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Kinect is a gaming peripheral for the Microsoft Xbox 360. It allows for audio and video input to let the player be the controller.

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Kinect Sensor doesn't move automatically, looking to repair

Hello! I recently got my hands on a lot of video game peripherals, one of them being a 360 Kinect. It was said to be for parts/repair, so I powered it on with my console to see what works and what doesn't. So far, everything works but the Kinect doesn't move automatically. Checked the gears and motor, both worked fine and cleaned them out, but to no avail. However, the dish holding everything for the base seemed to be misaligned as the sensor would fall either frontwards or backwards time to time. Any tips on fixing it?

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Hi there!

That is not an easy one I guess. The only thing I can advise is to check this one out: Xbox 360 Kinect Teardown

Here you can check how to take everything out and put it back together again. It does sound like it has something to do with the gears, you are positive that's it all OK, right?

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