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Aktuelle Version von: Anthony Simpson

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi Rami. When you start up your device, what happens? What point of boot up do you reach before you cant go any further?
+ == Update ==
+ if you can email me on [http://anthonysimpson2008@gmail.com|anthonysimpson2008@gmail.com], I will be happy to help you get you back onto your phone. I am Remote Technician, mainly PC's and Laptops, BUT I do work with Mobile Phones (Android) and Tablets. If you still require my help, please feel free to contact on my email.



Original-Beitrag von: Anthony Simpson

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi Rami. When you start up your device, what happens? What point of boot up do you reach before you cant go any further?

