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Aktuelle Version von: frank

Original-Beitrag von::

-people don't Go crazy, i fond the real problem, its a dirty headphone jack, clean it with th phone is OFF, use a wet cotton ( alcohol) , clean it few times till it works, worked for me , thanks god good look!!
+people don't Go crazy, i fond the real problem, its a dirty headphone jack, clean it with the phone is OFF, use a wet cotton ( alcohol) , clean it few times till it works, worked for me , thanks god good look!! !!Please Vote so other users can find this quickly



Original-Beitrag von: frank

Original-Beitrag von::

people don't Go crazy, i fond the real problem, its a dirty headphone jack, clean it with th phone is OFF, use a wet cotton ( alcohol) , clean it few times till it works, worked for me , thanks god good look!!

