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Aktuelle Version von: Douglas

Original-Beitrag von::

-If you have downloaded the new update on the iPhone, instead of double clicking, you have to use the shade. just swipe up from the home screen and you will see the lock in the upper left corner. Swiping down gives you the "DATE" screen and up will give you access to the shortcuts for camera, flashlight ect...
+If you have downloaded the new update on the iPhone, instead of double clicking, you have to use the shade. just swipe up from the home screen and you will see the lock in the upper right corner. Swiping down gives you the "DATE" screen and up will give you access to the shortcuts for camera, flashlight ect...
+ == Update ==
+ Sorry, right corner



Original-Beitrag von: Douglas

Original-Beitrag von::

If you have downloaded the new update on the iPhone, instead of double clicking, you have to use the shade. just swipe up from the home screen and you will see the lock in the upper left corner. Swiping down gives you the "DATE" screen and up will give you access to the shortcuts for camera, flashlight ect...

