Here is your systems specs: [|ASUS Transformer Book T100TA]
Note the '''Storage''' listing offers two sizes ''32GB eMMC'' & ''64GB eMMC'' which is what you can buy as separate models.
Now lets dig a little deeper here:
What is eMMC? Here's a writeup that explains what it is: [|What is eMMC]. The key piece of information here is the eMMC is a soldered on memory model which can't be user replaced as its part of the logic board similar to how Apple's iPad works as a closed system.
What is eMMC? Here's a writeup that explains what it is: [|What is eMMC]. The key piece of information here is the eMMC is a soldered on module which can't be user replaced as its part of the logic board similar to how Apple's iPad works as a closed system.
Sadly no,
Here is your systems specs: [|ASUS Transformer Book T100TA]
Note the '''Storage''' listing offers two sizes ''32GB eMMC'' & ''64GB eMMC'' which is what you can buy as separate models.
Now lets dig a little deeper here:
What is eMMC? Here's a writeup that explains what it is: [|What is eMMC]. The key piece of information here is the eMMC is a soldered on memory model which can't be user replaced as its part of the logic board similar to how Apple's iPad works as a closed system.